Russian Bonds

This site will help you invest in Russian Government Bonds. All calculated data includes taxes for non-residents (30%) + Brokerage and Exchange Fees (if you set them).

Bond Search

Flexible filters allow you to find best bonds.


Compare Bonds

Bond comparison before purchase.


My Bonds

Convenient accounting of purchased bonds.


Why us

If you decided to invest in Russian Government Bonds, our site will help you make the right choice. It is not enough to look just at coupon rate to understand which Russian Bonds are the most profitable. It is necessary to calculate and compare several parameters, for example: is the price too low or too high? What will be the yield to redemption if you buy Russian Bond with such coupon rate at a given price right now? Our site will do all the calculations for you with each price update, and you can sort the securities by the selected parameter, compare and choose the best. Sometimes Russian Bonds can be cheaper than the others with the same coupon rate. With our site you won’t miss best offers. You can also keep track of purchased Russian Bonds. We show you the most important parameters in the table where you can sort the list of your bonds.


The site is absolutely free. We are not a broker nor an agent between you and the exchange. Our site calculates the main indicators based on the data provided by you and the information received from the Moscow Exchange. There is a 15 minute delay (by the terms of exchange). The site works with Russian bonds with coupon income. The functionality may be extended in the future.
None of the information provided on this site constitutes investment advice. Remember that the exchange is a high-risk place that requires an understanding of what you are doing. You assume all risks.